Left camp at 7:00hrs for Livingstone int the Toyota Landcruiser 'bakkie'and stopped along the way to talk to some of the locals and photograph them.It is a 180km of narly dirt/sand road,and it is all small farms or plots where the locals grow maize,which is there staple diet, morning ,lunch and supper.They tell me it makes them 'strong'.
the Afrikaaners also love it but us Rooineks don't really care for it.You get 'slappap'(softpap) for breakfast and 'stywepap'(hardpap)for lunch and dinner and eat it with your hands with some boerewors hopefully.I am not a fussy eater but they(The Dutchmen/Afrikaaners) fed us this in the army,seemed like every second day!
So the women do most of the work in the fields,planting and harvesting the crops.the reason why the guys here have several wives,besides the obvious,which is not the obvious,is that the Chief will give them more land for every wife.As the old African axiom goes,"It's a wise man who cultivates just as much land as his wife can conveniently hoe."
Driving down I noticed a little shelter in the field and as I drove passed I saw a little baby laying there,so I stopped and went over to him and the mother came over and I asked if I could take their photo's,which she obliged,and the baby was only 4 months old.They were excited to see there pictures on my screen,if only I could give them some copies!Further along the boys were hauling the maze in an ox wagon along the road,with all the time in the world.Everyone is so friendly and smiling,even the guys who were ploughing the fields with 2 oxen,whistling commands and yelling at them every so often.
At the end of the dirt road is the village of Kolomo which has an outdoor market and as I drove through taking pictures,several of them got irate,and yelled at me,so put my camera away.From there it is a good tar road all the way to Livingstone,110km.away,arriving at 13:00hrs went to Shoprite where I got a lekker stek and kidney pie and an Appletiser for lunch.
Went and had some repairs done then headed up to Taita Falcon,which is on the edge 100m above the Zambezi at rapid 15 and the home of Faan'I drive through your glass doors'Fourie.A character beyond description,a real Afrikaner AWB volkman.Watched the sun set with a few cold Mosi's.I then left down the 13km drive on the worst road I have been on to the 'Spot' where they serve the best LM prawns I have ever tasted,then off to The Fawlty Towers for the night.
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