Get up at 5am again cause it is light then and went sat under the lapa to check out the animals,that was a mistake.Old ellie came by my cabin and hung out at my window but I was 100ft away with my back to it and obviously could not hear it.Brad and Ruth told me cause it was outside there window as well.So much for you snooze you lose,and he hasn't been back since.
Went on game drive and saw waterbuck,antelope,Zebras and baboons and the veld is just a splendour of green unlike 6 months ago.Had a lekker braai.boerewors and steak and a cold Mosi.Training for The Argus Cycle Tour is fully underway,just hope I have enough time to stick to my rigorous schedule.
I hear elephants don't like the smell of beer. That's probably why he avoided you. Now go ride your bike.